Scholarship Application

Double Edge believes that access to all professional & emerging artists is critical. There are currently four different programs named with this aim in mind:

  • The Carlos Uriona Scholarship for Latinx emerging artists from throughout the Americas, as well as for International emerging artists from outside of the United States.

  • The Benjamin Larnell Scholarship is a full training scholarship for Native emerging artists in our Immersion and Intensive programs.  

  • The Heber Honestman and Susannah Honesty Scholarship for African American / Black emerging artists and mentees from throughout the United States.

  • The Vidya Ramanan and Visalakshi Naranan Scholarship for emerging female leaders of color from throughout the world.

  • The Ashfield Community Fund and Youth Scholarships: Double Edge provides discounts to all local, rural students of any age participating in training programs as well as partial Youth (under 18) Scholarships for summer intensive/Immersion training program, both locally in the Franklin County region and the Springfield metropolis area.

Awards will be based upon demonstrated financial need, the information provided in the scholarship application, and the applicant’s Letter of Intent.

Scholarship Application

Fields marked with an * are required
Program(s) you are applying to: *
Which scholarship(s) are you applying for: *

Are you currently a student? *
Do you pay tuition at your school?
Are you currently on financial aid *
Are you currently on a scholarship? *

Are you currently employed or do you expect to start employment either full or part time? *

If you are married or will be married within the year, you must complete this section of the form.
Is your spouse employed?

Date of signature *